Innovation, Experience, Impact, and Global Potential: Pulse-Based Diagnosis for Predicting Health with Nadi Tarangini.


Nadi Tarangini combines the ancient Ayurveda practice of pulse diagnosis with advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). This white paper outlines how Nadi Tarangini revolutionizes non-invasive health monitoring by predicting health conditions through AI-enhanced pulse diagnosis. Its global impact extends to under-resourced communities, aging populations, and healthcare systems, promising enhanced accessibility, improved patient outcomes, and a more efficient healthcare ecosystem. The Nadi Tarangini Innovation Experience Centre is pivotal in facilitating this transformation in the new era.

1. Innovation: Revolutionizing Health Monitoring with Nadi Tarangini.

Nadi Tarangini has modernized the ancient practice of Nadi Pariksha (pulse diagnosis) using PPG and AI/ML algorithms that capture and analyze real-time pulse wave data to predict health deviations.

Key Innovations:

  • AI-Powered Analysis: The platform detects subtle changes in pulse waveforms to identify early signs of conditions like diabetes, hypertension, metabolic issues, mental health issues
  • Continuous, Non-Invasive Monitoring: Users can track health in real time without invasive procedures
  • Personalized Health Insights: AI models deliver tailored predictions and recommendations based on individuals’ inner health data to provide customized food, lifestyle, and wellness recommendations

These innovations allow Nadi Tarangini to redefine health monitoring, providing predictive and accessible care that surpasses traditional diagnostic methods.

2. Experience: Merging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology.

Nadi Tarangini integrates traditional pulse diagnostics with AI, delivering a holistic health experience.

User Experience:

  • Effortless Health Monitoring: Users can track their health via wearable devices that connect to the Nadi Tarangini app for continuous monitoring
  • Real-Time Feedback: The app offers instant feedback and personalized recommendations based on AI analysis of pulse data
  • Holistic Health View: By combining Ayurveda and AI, users gain comprehensive insights into their health

Healthcare Provider Experience:

  • Enhanced Diagnosis: AI enhances early detection capabilities for conditions like heart disease through real-time data analysis
  • Remote Monitoring: Physicians can monitor patients’ health remotely, particularly benefiting those in rural areas
  • Proactive Care: Predictive analytics enable providers to deliver preventive interventions

The Nadi Tarangini Innovation Experience Center serves as a hub for users and healthcare professionals. It offers hands-on experiences with the technology and training in its applications, facilitating better understanding and integration of pulse diagnostics into everyday health monitoring.

Dr. Indra Pandey Ambassador of India, Geneva

3. Impact: Transforming Global Healthcare Systems and Health Outcomes.

Nadi Tarangini’s pulse diagnosis can reshape healthcare systems globally, especially in areas with limited access to traditional services.

Health System Impact:

  • Early Detection: Identifying conditions like diabetes before symptoms arise can significantly reduce hospitalization and treatment costs
  • Reduced Healthcare Burden: Continuous diagnostics decrease the frequency of costly doctor visits, particularly in low-resource settings
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: The technology’s integration into affordable wearables will make preventive healthcare more accessible.

Public Health Impact:

  • Data-Driven Insights: Aggregated pulse data informs public health policies, leading to better resource allocation
  • Chronic Disease Management: Early diagnosis improves quality of life and reduces the burden of chronic disease management.

Case Studies and Success Stories.

  • India: Rural Health Monitoring

In rural India, a seva or voluntary service using the Nadi Tarangini was done among the Holy pilgrimage visitors during a particular season, time, and location for 2-3 years consistently. It was seen that it significantly demanded improved health outcomes for pilgrimages who have been away from their homes soaked in closeness to their beloved “Pandurang” afraid of diagnostic methodologies for health detection were happily and with faith getting their Nadi pariksha done. 

The use of Nadi Tarangini and an efficient team of Vaidyas and technicians helped them understand their health journeys and reduced hospital visits through early interventions. The happiness in the eyes of pilgrims was 10-fold when they reached and met with their beloved “Vithu-mauli” completing their holy pilgrimage journey of over 21 days. An experience worth connecting and sharing.

  • India: From Fear to Satisfaction

Under-privileged women in the urban slums always held fears of diagnosis and detection with needles and pricks until today. Even getting a regular blood pressure check was considered a pinch to the pockets and loss of wages once silent health issues like hypertension, Diabetes, or G.I issues were getting tested using Nadi Tarangini. Our Nadi Tarangini health centers have reached one such habitation and all the residents came forward to get themselves tested and checked seamlessly, without fear using a non-invasive diagnostic technique. Today the ones who are in the high-risk groups of developing hypertension or pregnancy-related eclampsia are getting themselves treated, reducing hospital emergencies and happily living and working hard alongside their husbands and family members. A smile of satisfaction that she can also contribute to the wellness of her family!!

4. Global Potential:

Scaling Non-Invasive Diagnosis Globally. The global potential of Nadi Tarangini lies in extending healthcare access to high-risk populations

Benefits to Developing Nations:

  • Healthcare for Remote Populations: Wearable devices offer continuous monitoring, empowering individuals in low-access regions
  • Culturally Integrated Solutions: Nadi Tarangini resonates with traditional healthcare practices, enhancing acceptance and effectiveness
  • Inclusion of tracking and managing infectious diseases.

Benefits for Aging Populations:

  • Home-Based Monitoring: Elderly individuals can monitor their health independently, reducing hospital visits
  • Predictive Insights: AI can help anticipate health risks, enabling timely interventions when synced with sensor-based fall or motion detectors
  • Scalability for Remote Monitoring and Telehealth: As telemedicine continues to rise in developed countries, Nadi Tarangini can support remote patient monitoring, reducing geographical barriers and promoting preventive care, especially for elderly or high-risk populations.


Nadi Tarangini represents a significant shift in health monitoring by offering non-invasive, personalized solutions. Focusing on Innovation, Experience, Impact, and Global Potential, it promises to transform healthcare delivery and make predictive health monitoring accessible to all. The Nadi Tarangini Innovation Experience Center is integral to this journey, enhancing education and engagement with the technology. The future holds immense possibilities as this technology evolves, fostering a healthier global community.

Author- Dr. Aniruddha Joshi​
Ph.D., Computer Science, IIT Bombay
Founder and CEO, Atreya Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
Innovator | Researcher | Mentor