The Ayurvedic Approach to Enhancing Immune Function: Strengthening the Body’s Defences.
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The Ayurvedic Approach to Enhancing Immune Function: Strengthening the Body’s Defences.

“The immunity, vyadhi-kshamatva, is a strength within all of us...
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Ayurvedic Strategies for Managing Chronic Pain: Finding Relief without Side Effects.
Awareness Ayurveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle Featured Health and Wellness Health awareness Holistic Health

Ayurvedic Strategies for Managing Chronic Pain: Finding Relief without Side Effects.

Almost everyone has experienced some type of pain in their...
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Ayurvedic Insights into Seasonal Wellness: Adapting Your Routine for Optimal Health.
Awareness Ayurveda Health and Wellness Health awareness

Ayurvedic Insights into Seasonal Wellness: Adapting Your Routine for Optimal Health.

Some observations related to season wise outburst of diseases. Common...
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Ayurvedic Perspectives on Heart Health: Supporting cardiovascular wellness Naturally.
Awareness Ayurveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle Digital Health Digital Nadi Pariksha Health and Wellness Health awareness

Ayurvedic Perspectives on Heart Health: Supporting cardiovascular wellness Naturally.

A boy with age 28 years collapsed due to cardiac...
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Ayurveda and Stress Relief: Holistic Techniques for Relaxation and Resilience.
Awareness Ayurveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Ayurveda and Stress Relief: Holistic Techniques for Relaxation and Resilience.

As per the study, every third person in India is...
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The Ayurvedic Guide to Enhancing Energy Levels and Vitality.
Awareness Ayurveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle

The Ayurvedic Guide to Enhancing Energy Levels and Vitality.

Vitality means the state of being full of energy. It...
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Ayurvedic Solutions for Skin Problems: Addressing imbalances for radiant Skin
Health Health and Wellness Health awareness Healthy Eating healthy lifestyle

Ayurvedic Solutions for Skin Problems: Addressing imbalances for radiant Skin

My friend is using ABC cream for Acne. I have...
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Ayurvedic Practices for Joint Health and Mobility: Strengthening the Body
Ayurveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle Digestive Health Health and Wellness Health awareness

Ayurvedic Practices for Joint Health and Mobility: Strengthening the Body

Walking is best and basic exercise for fitness but my...
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The Art of Ayurvedic Cooking: Nourishing Body and Soul with Sattvic Foods
Ayurveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle Digestive Health Fasting and Diet Food Health and Wellness Health awareness

The Art of Ayurvedic Cooking: Nourishing Body and Soul with Sattvic Foods

Doctor! I am consuming salads and sprouts regularly at dinner...
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Ayurvedic Insights into Digestive Health: Healing the Gut with Ancient Wisdom.
Ayurveda Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Ayurvedic Insights into Digestive Health: Healing the Gut with Ancient Wisdom.

All disease begins in the gut.’ Ayurveda said it thousands...
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